With so many smart devices and connected hardware in every facet of our lives, it’s no wonder we’re being bombarded with radiation and waves. In some instances, those signals are a good thing – we want to be able to connect with the world and access data and information with the highest speeds, but on the other hand, we also want to be able to protect ourselves against potential cyberattacks and limit our personal exposure to these waves.
It’s quite the balance to maintain, and a paradoxical one at that (something we touched on in a recent blog). It’s this dichotomy that eventually led us to create two forms of shielding glass: one that’s formulated to block these signals (WAVETRAP) and one that boosts and accentuates them (WAVETHRU). These solutions may offer opposing benefits, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be used in the very same building to help create environments that are free from external signals and settings that boost incoming waves.

[WAVETRAP] Why would you want to block?
Indeed, why would you actively want to block out all these signals in a world that’s become so dependent on them for connectivity? For both the home and the workplace, we need a safe space where we can disconnect from the outside world for a much-needed digital detox. WAVETRAP by AGC offers that one single solution. This shielding glass helps those with EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) become more resilient to accidental or intentional EMI (electromagnetic interference, it will also work wonders for those craving digital silence (or isolation even) and those who have concerns over data security. For those that seek to block, WAVETRAP offers plenty of benefits, including:
- Improve the overall quality of life – EM wave shielding glass addresses concerns over exposure to unwanted signals.
- Add a physical firewall – activate a transparent but highly effective layer of protection against multi-stage hacking attempts.
- Secure EM shielding – WAVETRAP enables professionals to achieve the best level of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).

[WAVETHRU] Why would you want to boost?
On the other hand, you may also want to actively improve the signals that are being sent into your smart building. Certain materials and densities can actively impact the strength of an outside connection signal, which may in turn affect the effectiveness of the systems and technologies operating on your premises.
A quick-to-apply retrofit and immediately effective glazing solution such as WAVETHRU is suitable for boosting the signals of 2G, 3G, 46, 5G, Bluetooth, and many more. No need to replace your old glazing solution, you just get a professional crew on site to get the existing glass surface treated.
Some key benefits to boosting include:
- Transparent, non-invasive surface treatment – WAVETHRU by AGC is a transparent laser surface treatment that’s directly applied to your existing office windows. You can’t see the mesh, but you’ll immediately notice a drastic improvement in signal connectivity.
- Avoid unnecessary drop-outs – invest in a solution that boosts signals to avoid dropped calls, slow downloads and apps not responding.
- Fully sustainable solution – A passive solution that’s environmentally sustainable as it requires no power or additional maintenance.
The morale of the story? Understand if, when, where, and why you need to boost or block.
Leveraging the benefits of different types of shielding glass and hitting the right solution consensus comes down to what the people in your building would benefit from the most. In most cases, we see three options:
- Do they need a space that’s free of outside signals to help alleviate the impact of hypersensitivity or protect sensitive data?
- Or would their quality of life and work be actively improved by boosting those external signals?
- Or would you require both functionalities within the same building? There are plenty co-existing examples of areas where connectivity needs both blocking and boosting.
So, it’s doubly important to define exactly what function you want your building to serve, especially before construction begins. Define the purposes of the different areas so you can factor in a glazing solution that addresses those needs.
The WAVE by AGC tagline is ‘High-tech glazing solutions to master your connectivity’. Any construction professional who’s designing smart buildings should be looking into smart concepts that will not only fill the need now, but also anticipate what might come next. Whether you need a building to be a haven of digital serenity or an enhanced environment that’s fully connected, WAVE by AGC offers the glass solution that solves the paradox for good.
More on this topic? Head on over to our YouTube channel – it displays several explainer videos on the different functionalities we offer and the numerous customers we have helped so far.
What does your connectivity need? Reach out if we may help: https://wavebyagc.com/en/contact/