Our solution to boost your mobile signal indoor

Which problem does it solve?


As mobile usage continues to grow year after year, 80% of mobile calls are made and received indoors.


Buildings and homes must comply with increasingly stringent thermal insulation requirements. The materials used to meet these requirements are a major contributor to indoor signal attenuation.

Antenna system (DAS)

Distributed antenna systems (DAS) are one solution for improving mobile coverage indoors, but they also have drawbacks:

  • They require complex installation and expensive hardware
  • They entail maintenance and replacement costs
  • They often only work for a single mobile operator
  • They are not scalable in all situations

WAVETHRU key benefits

Better signal
  • Improved call quality indoors
  • Multiple frequencies
Better for end-users
  • Phone use less power, which means longer battery life
  • Enhanced building value
Easy to install
  • Treatment applied on-site to existing windows
  • Non intrusive (no wires, no electricity, no equipment)
No impact on building aesthetics or double glazing performance
  • Invisible to building occupants
  • Does not affect the glazing insulation or thermal performance
Cost effective
  • No need for obtrusive or unsightly systems (DAS)
  • Zero maintenance
  • No energy, no CO2, long life

And get it all on your own terms and settings

Talk to our experts to get the improved indoor mobile connectivity you want and need. You have our team and all of the lifelong AGC expertise at your disposal.

What can WAVETHRU do for you?

Read more on what we do for whom.

Our unique solution improves indoor coverage

Coated double glazing

  • 72 Light transmission
  • 38 Solar factor
  • -30db Radio signal loss

Double glass with coating + WAVETHRU

  • 72 Light transmission
  • 38 Solar factor
  • -3db Radio signal loss

Can be customized for each project/building :

  • Pattern applied
  • % of windows to be treated in the building
  • % surface of each window to be treated

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