In the last twenty years, the internet has become a utility. Like tap water, the internet is always available – at home, at work, during everyday activities, whenever, wherever. The WiFi networks in homes and offices, and mobile network options outside make sure everyone stays connected. This wave density around us is known as “electrosmog”.
The incessant growth of these mobile networks also comes with relentlessly increasing connectivity. The question is, how does this effect affect our everyday life? Because even if we don’t want to be reached, we’re surrounded by the networks of others all around us.

Electrosmog: The Why of a Conscious Mindset
The industry group GSMA reports that 474 million people in Europe (86 percent of the population) subscribed to mobile services. This number is expected to grow to 480 million by 2025. The GSMA notes that the expansion of mobile networks is vital to the digital transformation process across Europe. As more and more people access the internet, their connectivity target of ‘Gigabit for everyone, 5G everywhere’ has never felt more urgent.
This market-driven demand is accelerating the advancement of the internet at unprecedented speeds, notably transforming how we communicate. And by extension, how we live, work, and overall move forward in life. But sometimes, being always “on”, can feel very “off”. We need to be mindful about how we further steer this evolution. And make sure we offer people the option of being ‘on or off’ when and where they choose so.

Electromagnetic Waves Drive Growth – and Concerns for Privacy, Security, and Well-Being
The expansion of mobile networks in Europe has tremendous economic importance. However, the raises new concerns about personal well-being, privacy, safety, and security. The most common pain points include:
1. Increasing “electrosmog” concerns
The Swiss-based Federal Office of the Environment uses electrosmog to describe technically generated electrical and magnetic fields. These low-frequency electrical and magnetic fields arise wherever electricity is generated, transported, and used. Mobile telephone base stations, radio transmitters, and other radio applications generate non-ionising radiation (NIR) in the high-frequency range.
The organisation notes that critical drivers of “electrosmog” are the growing mobile communications sector, digitalisation, and increasing electricity consumption. For some people, particularly those suffering from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), electrosmog may create health concerns.
2. Ensuring Privacy in a Time of Connectivity
Our mobile devices have become a vital resource for interacting with the world. These devices enable us to work, shop, connect with friends and family, access products whenever and wherever we want.
But just as this idea of continuous connection is ingrained in our everyday life, it is equally important to secure the alternative of desired disconnection. Some people crave personal digital silence, digital isolation even. They want to secure their personal perimeters, control who can access their information, and limit the possibility that their personal data will be exposed.
3. Keeping Data Safe and Secure
In this connected world, where cyberthreats and geopolitical tensions are rising, ensuring the safety of data – and compliance with the NIS2 directive – is increasingly challenging.
Staying safe from these threats is imperative to any business. When customers trust an organisation to keep their data safe and secure, any breach in that trust will devastate the brand’s reputation and business.
There is no denying that this increasingly connected world brings many benefits. But as more people become aware of the potential hazards that come with electromagnetic (EM) radio frequency (RF) exposure and the security risks of increased connectivity, they demand solutions that can protect them from potential harm.
Today, people can find this protection in the places where they have always found safety: the buildings in which they work and live.

Security and Connectivity: Creating the Best of Both Worlds from the Inside Out
To better manage this connected world, more individuals and organisations want to take control of when and how they participate in that connection. Today, people and businesses demand the confidence of knowing they are doing all they can to protect their sensitive information from unwanted intrusion.
Window glazing may not be the first thing that comes to mind. And yet, recent advancements in this technology field gives businesses and consumers a new view on security and safety.
When building their new corporate headquarters, AGC discovered that their newly installed glass façade was impacting the signal waves. As glass experts, they seized the moment to explore the connectivity issues and opportunities associated with glass buildings.
They found that by treating the window’s glass with a dedicated process, they could actually facilitate the passage of waves, enhancing connectivity to the expansive 5G, WiFi networks, connected buildings, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This treatment is called WAVETHRU.
But equally interesting was how glass could control the increasing density associated with this connectivity.
The result of this research is WAVETRAP, a specialised glass designed to reduce EM/RF wave exposure from the surrounding environment. The WAVETRAP glazing solution lets anyone choose how to participate in connectivity:

1. At work
The WAVETRAP transparent ElectroMagnetic shielding glass provides a physical firewall with an additional protection layer. WAVETRAP doesn’t impact the appearance of the widows, yet it keeps a business safe from commonplace cyber threats, proximity attacks, and multi-stage attacks.
2. At home
In residential buildings, WAVETRAP helps to block out unwanted outside factors that can threaten any personal data and identity, giving residents the additional reassurance that what is meant to stay private stays in their home.
3. Everywhere else, with electrosmog in mind
Finally, regardless of its installation purpose, WAVETRAP provides the comfort of knowing that everyday exposure to the radiation and magnetic fields associated with electrosmog has been reduced. So, everyone inside can breathe just a little bit easier knowing they are safe and secure(d).
Selective Settings for Selective Connectivity Purposes
With so much to worry about, it is good to know that while windows provide a great view, they also keep people and their information safe, healthy, and protected so they can go about their connected life worry-free.
Each WAVETRAP glazing is selectively tailored to the settings and requirements of the owner or tenants of the building. That’s what makes the glass exceptionally attractive for construction professionals regardless of its installation location. Made to fit for every purpose. That’s how it fits any purpose.
Want to make this glazing solution – and increased safety, privacy, and well-being can be part of your next home, building project, or business?
Reach out to our team for a chat on what you’re looking for. We just might be able to help: