The glass antenna fit in with the digital age. In today’s highly connected world, where digital transformation must be embraced by organizations in all sectors (Utilities, Consumer electronics, Healthcare, Transportation, Hospitality, Public, etc.), having an efficient and stable connectivity has become a ‘must-have’ for business growth as well as individual users.
This new shift towards hyper-connectivity is supported by structural trends:
- On the one hand, the evolution of how we work (more open working spaces, flex desk, homeworking), the need for users to be connected all the time and anywhere, the exploding number of devices to be connected as well as the rising demand for data per user (cloud services, video content, etc.) are pushing connectivity providers to review, rethink and innovate their strategies. They have to deal with requirements more important than ever: sufficient capacity (connectivity for a large number of users in the same place), broader coverage, perfect roaming and protection of users from electromagnetic radiation to name a few.
- On the other hand, deployment of network infrastructures (Wi-Fi, 5G, mobile, FWA, etc.) face a major aesthetic challenge. The pressure is mounting to avoid visual pollution and to smoothly integrate electronic equipment in an increasingly demanding architectural environment. The need for camouflage is a growing consideration inside buildings and throughout city landscapes (saturated buildings roofs with 5G antennas for instance) as well as in private homes. The invisible solution also reduces concerns about electromagnetic waves. This is precisely where glass antennas make perfect sense.
Needless to say, all these considerations have to respect electromagnetic limitations imposed by the authorities as well as technical and business feasibilities.
Therefore, to meet these new requirements, the world of connectivity must investigate and respond to very important challenges. And this is only the beginning…
To respond to the increased demand for antennas, an essential element in connectivity provision, and taking into account that usual locations are or will no longer be sufficient, Wave by AGC has taken up the challenge. It is developing solutions that will review where these antennas will be placed while acknowledging the aesthetics constraints of the environment, respecting the electromagnetic field regulations and ensuring a competitive cost of installation.
Building on AGC’s forty years of experience in developing and producing glass antenna solutions in the automotive sector, Wave by AGC has wisely adapted its broad and long-standing glass expertise to develop a highly connected future for buildings and cities.
It is these factors and more that prompted Wave to develop WAVEANTENNA. The range of aesthetic glass antenna solutions use camouflage effects to enhance the visual experience while also addressing network densification issues.
Want to know more about WAVEANTENNA products? Or learn more about the needs and the pain points they address as well as the numerous benefits they deliver? All will be revealed in our next blog – stay tuned! 😉